Is Hacking Bad? It Depends!

Is hacking bad or good? Can you avoid the dangers of the internet? These are questions that newbies often ask. Most people usually associate hackers with dangerous criminals. However, hacking is a good practice in some cases.

You may have heard of black hat hackers, white hat hackers, and gray hat hackers. But have you clearly defined these concepts? In this article, let’s find answers to these questions!

Is Hacking Bad?

In fact, hacking isn’t completely bad. It can be good or bad, depending on the hacker’s purpose. You need to determine the motivation to classify hacking.

Hack is a computer term that refers to an attack on a security loophole to gain access to a system’s databases. Data from digital devices such as computers, tablets, smartphones, and intranets are all ideal targets for black hat hackers.

The people who do the hacking are usually talented and experienced coders.

When Is Hacking Bad?

It is bad practice if hackers attack technology systems to steal data and gain profits for outside organizations or individuals. Accordingly, this intrusion can change the system’s infrastructure and disrupt business operations.

Data leaks and internal crises when hackers attack will reduce revenue and cause significant economic losses.

Even many businesses have collapsed because of data hacking. Meanwhile, many people have lost money on their Visa cards due to stolen personal data.

When Is Hacking Good?

In many situations, hacking doesn’t always have an unwarranted goal. In companies, many cyber security personnel, also known as white hat hackers, often try to create tests and hacks into systems to test their platforms securely.

They will perform a breach of the database to find security holes. Technical coders will then fix the encryption to protect the data inside.

In short, these hacks do not come with nefarious profits. In contrast, hackers now help businesses protect their data and avoid attacks from black hat hackers.

What Are Some Types of Hackers?

Black hat hackers, white hat hackers, and gray hat hackers are the three most common types. The classification will depend on their action purpose.
Here, I want to detail the 3 most basic hacker groups you need to know.

1. Black Hat

All hackers with wrong goals are in the black hat group. They damage systems, businesses, and many others for personal or organizational gain.

They may re-encrypt your device and ask you to pay for the data back. If black hat hackers attack a company, they can sell data to rival businesses. So, this data leak causes extensive financial damage to individuals as well as businesses.

2. White Hat

White hat hacker

In contrast to black hat hackers, white hat hackers are cyber experts. They will always try to break into security systems to find weaknesses, if any.

Their actions are legal and well-intentioned to avoid the risk posed by hackers. Therefore, white hat hackers are also known as ethical hackers.

After detecting security flaws from white hat hackers, developers can fix and improve system safety. So, black hat hackers will have more difficulty and not be able to attack the data in a short time.

3. Gray Hat

Finally, the gray hat is a term for people who work as black hat hackers but with the same purpose as white hat hackers. They are often anonymous coders, trying to break into systems to find security holes.

Yet, they do not abuse these loopholes for illicit gain. Instead, gray hat hackers notify owners to help them improve data security.

The behavior of gray hat hackers is almost the same as white hat hackers. But since they don’t have permission from the system owner, their actions still need to be corrected. Therefore, the gray hat is like a group of hackers lying between the black and white hat.

Common Types of Hacks

Social engineering, phishing, and brute force are the most common methods hackers use to steal data. Below, I will help you better understand how hackers use these standard attack methods.

1. Social Engineering

First, social engineering is the way hackers ask you to reveal your data unintentionally.

Some software or websites force you to enter specific personal data to allow you to use the service. When you fill these fields, your data will be passed to the hacker. As a result, these hackers will use your data to their advantage.

2. Phishing


There are many scams that black hat hackers use to collect illegal data. They can create computer viruses, attachments, or malicious software.

When you reply, open branches, click on links in phishing emails, or download software, hackers will then exploit your information.

3. Brute Force

Some hackers use software or encryption to attack directly to crack the systems and devices’ safety.

In this case, databases and devices with weak passwords are easy targets for short-term data theft. In contrast, black hat hackers cannot use brute force methods to attack systems with strong firewalls or high security.

How Can I Prevent Hacks?

Encrypting data, improving device safety, backing up data, and avoiding unnatural links are the primary measures to prevent hacking.

You can avoid attacks from black hat hackers with many helpful tips. So, some following tips may help you:

  • Change your password often
  • Don’t click on strange links
  • Use password-protected software to improve safety
  • Do not reveal personal data on social networking sites
  • Do not log in to unauthenticated 3rd party platforms
  • Install regular app updates to enhance your device’s built-in safety
  • Do not open suspicious attachments or respond to strange emails
  • Always encrypt files and data when transferring and storing them on your computer to prevent crucial data leakage.
  • Use browser extensions to enhance protection, prevent downloading files or opening malicious websites
  • Install anti-virus software and electronic device protection software


In summary, depending on the types of hackers and their purposes, hacking behavior will be good or bad or as the case may be.

Black hat hacking might be fearful, but legal hacking can be a valuable advantage.

If you want to be an ethical hacker, you should pursue fields related to programming and cybersecurity. In addition, any user must be on the lookout for malicious hackers. Thank you for reading!