6 Best Online Computer Engineering Degrees

Currently, technology is one of the most developed fields globally and promises to rise to new heights in the future. Accordingly, industries related to digital and technology will be extremely advanced and strong.

That is why many people choose to become computer and technology engineers. With the development of social networks, learning has also gradually shifted to the online form at universities, helping students to be more convenient in learning problems.

If you are looking for a good degree in computer engineering (CE), then check out the top 6 high-quality online degrees below.

Let’s start exploring!

What Makes an Online CE Degree Engaging?

An online program in computer engineering has many advantages for students.

learning computer engineering online

Here are a few things that make an online degree program unique and competitive with a regular degree.

1. Advanced technological methods

With an online bachelor’s in computer electrical and engineering, you have access to various technologically advanced approaches, one of the important elements of life today.

Besides, the number of computers, phones, and devices is constantly increasing and widely applied in almost every field. So being knowledgeable about many advanced technologies is a huge advantage to advance your career.

2. Equip students with many skills

Besides providing knowledge and experience, the online bachelor of science program also guarantees to impart vitally important skills in a technical environment.

Typically, you can learn customer needs assessment, creativity, presentation, and time management skills. In addition, you can also hone your leadership skills, such as leading a team, communicating with members.

3. Dive into the content

In terms of the curriculum, you have the opportunity to absorb the core of creating innovative computer software. What’s more, you can make professional changes to your computer’s hardware.

In addition, you will be exposed to and tackle many similar projects outside of society and the workplace; Professional ethics training and problem-solving. In general, the program allows you to learn by doing so that it is easy to use and gradually familiarize yourself with the work of a computer engineer.

4. Importance of a CE program

With an online bachelor’s in computer engineering, you can have a steady job with a high salary. An online bachelor’s degree is a recognition of your knowledge, and it shows employers your ability in technology.

When you receive a bachelor of science, it also means that you have all the elements to accompany the company or organization.

Even your chances of career advancement are higher.

In addition, your career growth will be very fast if you know how to take advantage of the bachelor of science to collide with many large projects.

Types Of Online CE Degrees

A bachelor’s in computer electrical and computer engineering degree program is just a common name. Because it covers so many different bachelors of science and specializations.

Here are some types of bachelor’s in computer engineering degrees.

1. Computer programming

visual basic

In terms of software, writing code, you will pass a programming class first. Basically, the program teaches you all the computer majors, coding with Visual Basic, C++, Java, Javascript, and HTML.

In addition, you will approach on-demand programming using logical thinking in coding languages.

2. Circuit theory

basic circuit theory

In terms of hardware, the circuit theory course helps you explore the fundamentals of engineering.

For example, you will study circuit analysis and learn how to apply laws like Ohm and Kirchhoff to circuits. What’s more, you’ll learn how to use stable powers, three phases, and Fourier problems to your major in circuit theory.

3. Software Design

software design concepts: abstraction, refactoring, information hiding, pattern, refinement, architecture, modularity

Another important online bachelor’s in computer engineering is a software design bachelor of science. It gives you a more expert view of the software design process using UML and object-oriented languages.

Not stopping there, you will learn how to evaluate the design process, see the problem, and develop a solution.

4. Processor

processor architecture

The microprocessor is a required certification of software engineers. In this, you learn about electronic design, the theory of the role of microprocessors and microcontrollers. Standard expertise includes

I/O, memory devices, and microcomputer architecture.

5. Advanced logic design

logic circuit

This is an advanced course that will help you increase the logic of digital design.

Typically, basic topics include combinatorial logic, machine design, timing, EDA, and logic synthesis. Accordingly, hardware languages ​​such as VHDL are also included in this bachelor of science.

How Long Does It Take To Study?

Depending on the school you choose, there will be different study times in terms of study time.

Typically, schools will be required to complete 120 credit hours within 38 months. It may take you less time or more time to study, depending on your ability, your school, and your training program.

Reputable Universities To Get Certificates Online

online certificate

1. Oregon State University

To earn your engineering bachelor of science, you’ll study a program offered by Oregon State University in an intensive learning venture. The courses are suitable for those who study computer programming, mobile devices, and web development.

The school will create conditions for you to study and work. The study period will last for one year and is followed by an internship period. Then, if you complete the full credit, you will receive an online bachelor’s in computer engineering.

Of course, you will not be able to receive your bachelor of science if you have not completed the required 60 credits. In contrast, Oregon does not require admission requirements, so it is suitable for many people.

2. University of Illinois

One of the must-haves for online computer science is the University of Illinois; is the number one school in the state for computer science.

To apply to this university for online CE degree, you need to meet the following basic requirements:

  • Complete 300 proficiency tests before entering school.
  • You must have two previous semesters of Java programming, calculus, and statistics.
  • The minimum GPA is 2.0.

You also need to earn enough credits to get a bachelor of engineer in this program.

3. Old Dominion University

If you do not have good financial conditions but want a good computer field environment, then Old Dominion is the right choice. OD stands out by providing real-world experiences for students.

The curriculum is quite advanced in terms of mathematics and laboratory science in computer engineering online. Here, students will be exposed to rigorous work as future employees.

The school is among the top providers of computer online degree programs in the United States.

4. University of Florida

With a fairly deep and wide curriculum, studying all aspects of computers. The University of Florida is perfect for those who want to learn what it takes to become a successful computer engineer. Not only learning theory, but you also have the opportunity to practice to gain experience.

The school has produced many successful people in computers, and the Florida bachelor of science in computer engineering online is also quite powerful.

Although the program is quite heavy, you have very good growth opportunities and have many advantages in computer expertise for the Florida environment.

5. Dakota State University

Regarding the computer curriculum, Dakota State University has a new program.

It doesn’t emphasize teaching its students common programming language and technical jargon. The school will task its students with solving the prevailing, ongoing problems facing the computer world.

Although the program is advanced, you will deal with any computer challenge once you have successfully passed.

In addition, the professors all have PhDs in security and networking, giving you a variety of learning resources. The school also gives you a 4 + 1 supplement that speeds up your learning and pushes you to earn a higher bachelor’s in CE.

6. University of Maryland College

Maryland College offers you a huge range of online bachelor’s degrees, up to more than 90 degrees, and certificates. The remote specialization includes two remote cybersecurity degrees.

You don’t have to go to class and study at a set time; The school allows you to study from home at your own pace and pace to complete 120 credits.

Along with the curriculum, students can also learn to connect Cisco devices with additional advanced courses such as digital forensics, network security, Cisco, and Microsoft.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a bachelor’s in computer engineering?

If you are interested and love technology, then you can completely become a computer engineer.

Not a genius or someone with a natural aptitude for technology can get a bachelor’s degree. The key to being good in the computer industry is your passion and effort.

Is an online program in computer engineering worth it?

A bachelor’s is completely worth it, even as valuable as a college bachelor’s in computer engineering. Of course, a useful degree will give you an edge in the eyes of the employer.

However, experience and new abilities are important issues that determine your growth in the job.

Which online bachelor’s degree is best for computer engineering?

There is no such thing as the best bachelor’s in CE because each has its own characteristics.

The computer field is extremely large and growing. There can be only better by case, not by best. First, identify the aspect that you are most interested in and passionate, and analyze yourself. Then, you just choose the major and the type of degree you want.


In conclusion, with this article, we hope you can choose for yourself a college with a high-quality bachelor’s in computer engineering. If you love the information we mention, don’t forget to share the article to support us.