A Day in the Life of an Information Architect

Today, an information architect’s role is crucial, so a day in the life of an information architect involves many tasks. It is challenging but also rewarding.

As a novice information architect, you may find it challenging to discover this position’s duties. Don’t worry! I have compiled them in this article.

Let’s delve into it to explore things in detail!

An Overview Of Information Architecture

Information architecture involves structuring and displaying parts of a website or a blog post to users in an understandable way.

Information architects need to structure content to make it easy to understand. They must always consider two factors: the user’s needs and context.

These professionals structure content based on many factors (the end user’s needs, expectations, behaviors, and goals).

They must know who these users are to identify these elements mentioned above. Also, it’s vital to think of the content value and how to use it.

Context refers to the environment where the users engage with content. To identify context, information architects must consider how, why, when, and where the users look for and engage with content.

A Day In The Life Of An Information Architect

As shared earlier, the roles of an information architect are complex. They must perform various tasks daily. This position’s duties differ depending on the organization, employer, and sector. Below is a typical routine!

At Work

Information architect in collaborative team

User research & analysis

Information architects collect the result of stakeholder interviews, user interviews, and usability tests. So they can better understand the target consumers of their projects.

They also join card sorting and interviewing to observe how users classify specific concepts.

Sitemap creation

Information architects are professionals who determine how to display and access data through an application or website.

Furthermore, when creating the hierarchy, they consider the user’s expectations and the aspects the company wants to bring together.

The site map is the outcome of this practice. It shows these aspects’ structure on websites.


Wireframes show the associations among many screens and depict how a site functions.

They sketch a few essential screens to display how users interact with information depending on the collected data and the decisions during hierarchy growth. It helps them decide how users use a site.


Labeling refers to links and pages on the website. Content strategists perform this step, but information architects have the input.

This step ensures these professionals have titled hierarchy and navigation accurately. It’s vital for deciding if users can discover the information.

Taxonomy & metadata

Taxonomies allow these professionals to track how they classify content and information. Depending on their audience’s mental model, they choose one suitable taxonomy or more for the app or website.

After that, they use metadata to organize the material. Thus, users can discover it with accepted taxonomies.

Data modeling

Information architects collaborate with developers to detect content types representing internal editing criteria, business requirements, and user demands.

These professionals connect a new data model to an existing structure. So they can ensure smooth content migration while redesigning a website.

Data modeling leads to the formation of content types or templates that copywriters or content strategists utilize in developing content.

After Work

An information architect’s work will not stop even at the end of the workday. They stay updated with the latest technologies.

They understand that this field constantly develops. Therefore, they must be proactive to keep their skills updated.

To achieve this, they may attend industry conferences, engage with industry thought leaders, and keep up with relevant publications.

Moreover, they often participate in online forums and discussions to share best practices. It’s an excellent chance to learn from their peers.

In addition, they work on projects to hone their skills and explore new ideas. So they can push the boundaries and stay ahead of the curve regarding new developments.

Additional Tasks And Schedules

In addition to their primary responsibilities, information architects often have additional tasks and schedules to manage. For example, they need to oversee content migration when launching a new website or application.

They may also conduct training sessions for content creators and others. So they can ensure that everyone understands the digital content structure and organization.

Additional tasks

Where Do Information Architects Work?

Information Architects can work in various environments, as shown below!


Information architects work on various projects, from small websites to complex software applications. They work with other professionals to ensure the product meets the client’s requirements.

Corporate Organizations

Large companies or corporations often have internal teams to develop and maintain their digital products.

Information architects work closely with content strategists. So they can ensure the organization’s digital products meet the company’s and its customers’ needs.

They may work on projects like the company’s website, intranet, or internal software applications.


Information architects can choose to work as freelancers. They are responsible for finding clients, negotiating contracts, and delivering projects.

They can work from anywhere and set their schedules. Also, they freely choose the projects they desire to work on.

Freelancing comes with challenges, such as inconsistent workloads, the need to find clients continually, and the pressure to deliver projects on time.

You can work freelance from home

Is Information Architect The Right Profession For You?

If you love technology and desire to create intuitive user experiences, this job is right for you. The field requires unique skills. Yet, the rewards are significant.

You can work on many projects. It can be small mobile apps or large-scale enterprise software. Besides, you also feel satisfied knowing that your work can make a difference in the lives of millions of users.

Final Thoughts

Being an information architect is a challenging and rewarding career. This job requires combining technical, analytical, and creative skills.

They are critical in shaping how users interact with digital content. So they can ensure the experience is intuitive and efficient.

Each day may bring new challenges. Yet, the work ultimately creates a better digital world for everyone.