11 Pros and Cons of Being a Cybersecurity Strategist

Before stepping into any career, you need to understand it comprehensively. Many people have asked me about the advantages and disadvantages of being a cybersecurity strategist. If you have the same question, welcome to my post!

Today, I will share what I encounter every day. In the end, you can expect what you face in the future when working in this role. Are you ready? Let’s begin!

Who Is a Cybersecurity Strategist?

A cybersecurity strategist protects their company’s computer systems and networks from cyberattacks. To do it, they build security programs and set up a plan for continuous protection. Then, they train employees on those protocols.

Cybersecurity strategists must understand how hackers work to stop their threats. These experts need to update security systems with new techniques.

As a cybersecurity strategist, I focus on many things to deliver the best work. Let me share some of my daily tasks so you can picture this job easily:

  • First, I research the current trends in cybersecurity and IT. This step helps me select the most reliable methods for my company and end-users.
  • I monitor networks to identify suspicious activities and address them accordingly.
  • I also install and update my company’s systems, ensuring each has proper security measures.
  • After setting everything, I compile reports and document security issues.
A Cybersecurity Strategist

This career can keep you excited. So, to try it, check the pros and cons of being a cybersecurity strategist first.

I love my job as a cybersecurity strategist because it gives me good job prospects and a high salary. I can also work in different sectors.

1. Job Prospects

Cybersecurity is growing strongly now. Every company has its own databases, which should be protected against attackers. Thus, the field is in high demand.

So congratulations! You can easily find your dream job as a cybersecurity strategist. When working in this position, keep learning! As you gain experience, you can level up and reach higher positions.

2. Good Pay

Honestly, one of the most attractive things about this job to me is the high salary. As of 2023, cybersecurity strategists can earn around $127,860 annually.

If you decide to follow this career path, you won’t have to worry about your account balance. You can also use it to invest in your own projects.

3. Excitement

The second most important motivator for me at work is excitement. Hackers are clever, and I feel great when I can defeat them! This satisfaction always keeps me motivated.

My passion for technology is another reason. This field is always changing. I can’t hide my excitement when finding new technologies to use at work.

4. Impactful Contribution

Cybersecurity is super important. Imagine how awful it is when hackers can get in and attack your company’s information. That’s why cybersecurity strategists play a vital role in every company.

When taking this role, you can really feel your contribution. Your boss values your talent, too. The high salary you receive is what you deserve.

5. Ability To Work in Different Industries

As long as a company uses information systems, they need cybersecurity strategists. And this demand is high across various industries. Thus, choose which sector you like and commit to it.

6. You Can Learn Many New Things

Due to the fast-changing nature of this field, you can always learn new things. Every workday is different for a cybersecurity strategist like me.

There are many benefits to get

Now, let me share the challenges this job brings me!

7. Job Pressure

I play an important role in my company. But it means I have to work under pressure. My boss expects me to handle our company’s systems properly.

Over time, I’ve learned how to deal with pressure. The rule of thumb is to focus on the tasks, keep learning to find innovative ways to solve problems, and never put my guard off.

I also take a rest between long working hours. A cup of coffee is enough to help me recharge and boost my productivity.

8. Requires Perfection

A tiny mistake may lead to a disaster. So, I don’t allow myself to make any. I always pay attention to detail to avoid potential issues.

9. Lack of Resources

My boss tries to support me. However, my job requires more than that. Sometimes, he can’t give me the resources I need for the tasks.

In this case, I try to communicate with him more and seek help from my colleagues. Together, we can set up the most robust security systems for our company.

10. Continuous Learning

Since technology keeps evolving, you must stay updated with the newest trends. Otherwise, hackers will leave you behind.

However, to me, it’s a challenge and also a chance to help me develop. I love exploring new things, and that’s why I love following the trends.

11. Repetitive Tasks

I have to monitor the systems, which involves testing and upgrading them. It means I perform repetitive tasks.

Of course, doing the same things from day to day is boring. Yet, I have to do so to ensure their security. Luckily, there are other interesting tasks to care for.

You will also have tough times

Should You Become A Cybersecurity Strategist?

It depends on your skills, career goals, and interests. First, you should be good at what you do, like programming, network security, and penetration testing.

Next, decide whether to step into the cybersecurity field. It’s growing and in high demand. Thus, you will indeed have many job opportunities.

Finally, do you love technology? If yes, then this job will motivate you to devote yourself to your company more. You can also have a chance to learn continuously.

Wrapping Up

The pros and cons of being a cybersecurity strategist are clear now. If you work in this role, you will get a high salary, good job prospects, and other opportunities.

However, ensure you can work well under pressure and don’t mind continuous learning. Once you’re okay with all the challenges, this job will bring you joy and chances to grow!