8 Pros and Cons of Being a Health Informatics Specialist

Health informatics is a growing field that helps doctors and healthcare providers offer the best experience for their patients. Do you want to step into this industry? Then, consider working as a health informatics specialist.

But before that, let me share something with you! I will reveal the pros and cons of being a health informatics specialist in this ultimate guide.

Let’s read on to discover!

Who is a Health Informatics Specialist?

A health informatics specialist uses technology in healthcare. They determine how to capture and transmit health information to enhance treatment quality.

As you can see, this role combines technology and healthcare. The specialist assesses how a healthcare setting operates first. Then, they deploy computer systems that benefit patients’ quality of life directly and indirectly.

The health informatics specialist often oversees their technological aspects in a healthcare center. Some can work for private companies that create technology in healthcare settings.

Wherever they work, they perform these basic tasks:

  • Installation: They research technology to identify the best option for their staff and patients. Then, they install it in the system.
  • Development: After that, they monitor how their installation works. They will install new features or upgrade the current information system if needed.
  • Training: Every staff in the company should know how to use the technology system properly, and the health informatics specialist takes this training job.
  • Data assessment: The specialist also collects and assesses data in the system.
Health informatics specialist

I’m working for a healthcare center as a health informatics specialist. This job gives me countless benefits, but some challenges affect my experience. I will show you all the pros and cons of working in this role right here!

This job is in demand, giving me many opportunities. I can also receive a competitive salary for contributing to the healthcare industry. You will surely have those benefits when choosing this career path.

1. Growing Demand

Combining technology and healthcare is an excellent idea. The advancements can help streamline many healthcare processes. For example, they can enable quick access to patient data, giving more accurate diagnoses.

The aging population is another reason for this trend. Healthcare centers and patients really need health informatics specialists to develop systems for better data management.

2. Career Opportunities

According to the BLS, job opportunities in this sector may grow by 7% from 2021 to 2031. This growth is much faster than the average of all jobs.

The growing demand and numerous job chances will help you find an ideal job easier. Thus, hone your skills so you can become an outstanding candidate among your competitors.

3. High Earning Potential

Health informatics specialists can earn $79,596 per year. So, if you want a job with financial stability, consider this sector!

Moreover, as the field continues to grow, you can advance in your career and get higher earning potential over time. And in addition to the good pay, you can also receive attractive benefits and bonuses for your excellent performance.

4. Lower Malpractice Claims

We still experience some medical malpractice claims these days. Yet, you don’t encounter these issues since you work with technology because health informatics specialists are the one that helps reduce the risks.

As a health informatics specialist, you handle the patient data and develop systems for healthcare. Once you’ve done a good job, hospitals and doctors can rely on your products. Then, the work environment will be secure.

5. Contribution To The Healthcare Industry

Working as a health informatics specialist, you can contribute to the whole industry. And like me, you will surely feel proud of what you do.

The healthcare industry is growing, but we never have enough advancements for this sector. Healthcare is always our priority, so it’s a rewarding experience to do something that can help improve it.

There are five pros and three cons to working in this role.

While the pros encourage you to work harder, the cons below may let you down. But don’t worry! I will show you how to overcome them!

6. Stressful

First, this job comes with a high stress level. You will have many tasks to cover. And if the data systems you manage have any errors, they will cause serious consequences.

Moreover, you have to keep up with the fast-changing technology. While it sounds fun, you must invest a lot of time and effort in exploring and testing each new technique.

Yet, stress is part of your work. It also reflects how important your role is. To deal with stress, you should learn how to organize your tasks properly. Spend time with your loved ones whenever possible, too, as they can give you mental support.

7. Demanding Work Hours

Similarly, numerous tasks require long work hours. Aside from developing the data systems, you have to train the employees and meet with constituents and stakeholders. So, you can use the tips above to manage your time properly.

8. Competition For Top Positions

Health informatics is rising. Thus, many people have entered the game. To stand out, you must study the basics, sharpen your skills, and gain hands-on experience. These three criteria are what your future employers need from you.

Work hard to deal with the challenges

Should You Become A Health Informatics Specialist?

This job has opportunities and obstacles. If you find the pros exciting and can accept the cons, then go for it. Your skills and interests also play a vital role in this decision.

  • Skills: This job requires many skills, such as communication, technology installation, systems training, problem-solving, and research. If you have all those skills, you can become a good health informatics specialist.
  • Interests: Your passion for technology and healthcare will motivate you to handle the challenges on the way.
Consider the health informatics field

Final Thoughts

Working as a health informatics specialist, you can enjoy good pay. Moreover, this job is in high demand so you will have many job chances.

On the other hand, you have to work long hours and deal with stress sometimes. The competition in the industry will also give you a hard time.

So, check the advantages and disadvantages of this job carefully. Then, you can decide on your career path!