7 Pros and Cons of Being a Quality Assurance Specialist

As a quality assurance specialist, I ensure products and services in my company meet the required standards. Sounds fun, right? Do you want to join me?

Remember, this job comes with its own set of rewards and challenges. If you are curious, I will help you explore the advantages and disadvantages of being a QA specialist right here. Ready to dive in with me? Let’s go!

Who is a Quality Assurance Specialist?

A quality assurance (QA) specialist inspects the application of the quality system and performs QA audits. They often create and implement procedures and standards to reduce variation in the manufacturing process. This way, they can ensure the process is consistent.

In fact, QA is about following specific steps to ensure the final product meets specified standards. The QA specialist, in this case, is the one who sets the steps.

The specialist has different tasks, depending on the product type they are working on. Generally, here is what I do every day when working in this role:

  • There are many standards and regulations to follow during the manufacturing process. Thus, I have to audit the process based on those rules and keep it up to date.
  • Then, I create standard measurements for the process. Some require standard operating procedures (SOPs), so I write them, too. And after developing, I test those procedures and compare them to the set standards.
  • I also train new members of my QA team on quality procedures.
  • This job requires me to work with suppliers and customers to investigate quality issues.
Quality assurance specialist

I’ve been a QA specialist for years. Working in this role, I have gained many benefits in terms of job growth. Yet, problems can arise at any time. Here is what I have faced in this industry for such a long time!

There are many pros to expect! For example, as a QA specialist, you can try new technologies and enjoy numerous job chances. You will also join the entire production process.

1. Job Opportunities

Whatever products companies provide, they must ensure quality before introducing them to their customers. Thus, they can’t skip the QA step.

QA is necessary in every production phase, especially the final one. It guarantees the product can meet specific requirements and will satisfy customers’ needs.

In this scenario, they need QA specialists to optimize their QA process. And that’s when you can shine!

If you choose this career, you will have many job opportunities because QA is important for every type of product. Hence, take your time to choose your favorite niche and commit to it!

2. Involvement In The Whole Production Process

As a QA specialist, you will oversee every stage of the production process. You can also work with different departments involved in each stage.

This involvement brings many benefits to your company. As you observe the process, you can identify and solve problems early. Hence, your company can prevent loss of resources and ensure high-quality products.

You will also take advantage of this chance. Since you can join the whole process, doors to higher-level positions like leadership and management will be open to you!

You can join every stage

3. Continuous Innovations

This job is interesting because the continuous innovations can keep you engaged. If you love exploring new things, you won’t go wrong with this career!

Technology is constantly changing, which means you can try new testing tools in your QA process. For example, artificial intelligence is a good idea for your next project. And as you explore, you will find out more techniques to bring out the best of your work!

4. Continuous Learning

As I have mentioned, you can try new techniques at work. That way, you will actively dig deeper into your expertise.

Moreover, you will collaborate with many teams during the production process. Trust me; you can learn many precious lessons from those experts!

You can learn new things continuously

The benefits sound exciting. How about the downsides? There are three big problems you need to deal with.

5. High Responsibility

As a QA specialist, you play an important role in production. It also means you have to carry the responsibility for any quality issues. Thus, you will surely work under pressure.

But that’s why your company needs you! It’s your job to perform the QA tests carefully to ensure your company follows every production step consistently.

6. Mentally Demanding

You have to focus when working with the QA process. This task requires meticulous tests and attention to detail. As a result, it can be mentally demanding.

Even when working in this role for years, I sometimes feel exhausted. In such cases, I take short breaks to rest and recharge.

Another tip to remain focused is to deal with one task at a time, starting with the most important one. Then, you don’t get overwhelmed with the deadlines and ensure each task receives the attention it deserves.

7. Hazardous Environments

As I have said, your specific tasks depend on which product you work on. Sometimes, your job involves exposure to chemicals or other safety risks.

Hence, ensure you get enough training on safety procedures before working. Also, conduct safety audits continuously during the process.

You may work in hazardous environments

Should You Become a QA Specialist?

This career is for you if you have the following qualities:

  • Eagerness to learn new things
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Good analytical thinking and problem-solving skills

So, there is no clear answer to this question. Since it’s your future job, you must consider your own skills, passion, and career goals.

Check the pros and cons of being a QA specialist I have highlighted above, too. They help you expect what you will encounter when working in this role.

Final Thoughts

As a QA specialist, you can join every step of the production process, which helps you gain experience and skills needed for higher-level positions.

However, this job is quite stressful due to the high responsibilities. The demanding tasks will also challenge you.

It would be best to weigh all the pros and cons of this job. Then, you can tell if it’s what you need for your future career!