Is Software Development Hard? 4 Key Skills for Developers

Nowadays, technology advances rapidly, making us increasingly dependent on smartphones and computers. As a result, the demand for different software products also increased.

Job openings for software developers will grow 24% through 2026, faster than the average for all occupations. So, if you want to develop your career or open up opportunities for advancement in this industry, you need to know it well. It is essential to start by answering the question, “If software development is hard, why is it hard?

Is Software Development Hard?

Yes, it can be somewhat complicated initially, specifically for those without coding, programming skills, or any tech knowledge.

Fortunately, many tools, courses, and other resources help people become good software engineers.

Here are the main reasons why this industry is difficult.

1. Work With Multiple Teams Is Challenging

All the teams, such as security, database, network, testing, and more, are necessary to work efficiently for a reasonable software development lifecycle.

Teamwork is essential in delivering an excellent product to end-users or customers. However, teamwork is not a simple task, while team management is even more complex.

You will have to spend a lot of time managing network failures, scheduling calls, managing communication tools that handle different time zones, and so on.

The best approach is to create projects that include self-motivated staff and trust them to complete their tasks. Then periodically analyze the efforts of your team members and find ways to make the team works better.

The Software Development Cycle

2. This Industry is Constantly Developing

The software industry has tended to develop rapidly in recent years. The proof is that we constantly witness the birth of new programming techniques, the latest updates, and more.

Therefore, if you want to become a software developer, it is essential to quickly stay up to date with the latest software trends. It includes focusing on current software needs and looking beyond the future. 

Here are a few basic methods to help you stay up to date and keep abreast of the latest software trends.

3. Handling Security Breaches

Malware and viruses are becoming more and more dangerous by the day, making them a threat to programmers in terms of data protection. 

In addition, flaws in the code can make applications vulnerable to attacks, leading to security breaches. 

Some recent good examples of security breaches are:

  • A major security breach involving Alibaba occurred in late 2019, affecting nearly 1.1 billion user data.
  • About 3 billion Yahoo user accounts were compromised in 2013.
  • A major security breach involving eBay occurred in 2014, which resulted in many customer passwords being leaked.
  • In 2019, Facebook’s internal software error caused 29 million users’ data to be lost.

So, it is essential to keep up to date with the latest security practices. In addition, you need to make sure your production goals are met without sacrificing security. 

Finally, it is wise to conduct manual tests regularly to detect weaknesses and vulnerabilities in security that are not detected by automated tests.

4. Error Rectification Is Challenging Task

During your software development, you will not be able to avoid errors. Sometimes, fixing bugs can be an endless day. So, you need to perform the test with the highest efficiency to improve this situation. 

For instance, you need to test every line of code with feasible test cases across different infrastructures.

5. Time Management is Challenging

You may have to manage:

  • Latest technology demands
  • Strict deadlines
  • Rapidly changing user inputs
  • Deployment cycles
  • Multiple projects
  • And more

As you can see, you will have to handle many tasks simultaneously. Therefore, working slowly will not allow you to complete the work on time. 

On the other hand, if you work carelessly, you will run into loads of errors. Therefore, time management is an essential skill for software developers.

6. Developers Have to Know Everything

Many people believe that you have to know everything from old Windows MS-DOS to as new as Windows 10. But unfortunately, it is a vast field, and mastering every skill is impossible.

In addition, you will sometimes work with a task that you have no experience with handling. In this case, you need to get help from someone more experienced in that particular field.

Must-Have Hard and Soft Skills To Be a Software Developer

Many soft and hard skills will benefit you if you plan to develop your career in software development.

Programmers face a lot of difficulties

Here are some skills that you should master:

1. Communication

Communication is one of the essential skills for every programmer. You need to be proficient in verbal and written communication to provide instructions to partners or other team members. Besides, listening skills are also critical.

2. Team Works

As a programmer, you will have to work with partners, customers, designers, developers, and other project team members. Therefore, teamwork skills are essential to get the best results.

3. Time Management

Programmers often have to run multiple projects at once. Hence, it is essential to manage and allocate time properly. You need to know which projects to prioritize for the best results.

4. Problems Solving

Solving problems arise at work and is inevitable, not only for a software developer but also for almost every profession. So, the way you handle issues has a significant impact on your career and advancement in the workplace.

Problem-solving is also one of the skills employers value because it shows that you’re always working to find a solution to a problem and don’t give up easily.


The best thing you can do is be honest and believe in yourself, overcome your fear of failure and get out of your comfort zone.

The more you try new things, the better you will become at identifying your strengths and where you can improve. Trust yourself to make the right decisions, but don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Being a software developer is tough, but it can be an enriching experience with the right attitude and effort.