How to Become a Prompt Engineer

Advances in technology and AI have made prompt engineering hotter than ever. Many people ask me how to become a prompt engineer to take part in this field.

Tech firms all across the world are on the hunt for qualified and skilled engineers to be able to communicate and instruct the machines.

Today, I’m sharing an eight-step roadmap to this attractive career. You will know what to do to gain the knowledge, skills, and experience for this position.

Who Is A Prompt Engineer?

A prompt engineer is an expert who designs, constructs and refines prompts in NLP systems. In other words, these experts create the behavior and output of AI when people ask questions.

Their role involves iteratively fine-tuning prompts to improve the model’s performance, aligning it with specific apps such as content generation, coding assistance, customer support, and more.

They team with ML researchers, data scientists, and product teams. The goal is to ensure the model comprehends various inputs and produces desired outputs.

A Prompt Engineer

Technical Skills of Prompt Engineers

A good engineer needs a multifaceted skill set to excel in prompt creation and optimization, including:

  • Being good at analysis and finding solutions when things get tricky.
  • Knowing how to handle and work with large amounts of data using tools like Hadoop and Apache Spark.
  • Managing and storing large datasets.
  • Using AI tools and applying various data analysis techniques to make prompts work better.
  • Knowing NLP concepts and techniques to create prompts that make sense.
  • Understanding the basics of Machine Learning to optimize prompts and adapt them based on model responses.
  • Knowing the basics of coding languages like C++, Java, and Python to understand AI models and tweak prompts.

Although you do not need to have deep knowledge of data structures and algorithms, I still recommend honing skills related to them to work better.

How To Become A Prompt Engineer

Although each person will have a different path in this industry, the following roadmap is optimal for those just starting to learn about this field.

You’ll have a solid foundation to become a prompt engineer in no time by going through each step in this guide.

1. Have a Computer Science or Related Degree

Bachelor of Computer Science Classroom

If you want to be a prompt engineer, the first step is to have a good foundation in computer science (CS). You can start by choosing a university/college program that teaches CS, software engineering, or something related.

In a typical CS degree program, you’ll delve into these subjects:

  • OSs, which help you know how computers function;
  • Computer organization, which gives insights into the hardware;
  • Data structures, which teach you about organizing and managing data effectively;
  • Algorithms, which are essential for solving problems efficiently;
  • Programming, where you learn to code.

Otherwise, you can consider special courses now that teach about big data. These courses show you how to use tools and technologies to deal with a lot of information.

No matter which option you choose, look for one that offers practical projects or internships. Hands-on experience with AI tools, data analysis, and prompt creation will give you a strong foundation.

Don’t forget to check if the program provides access to relevant resources. It should have AI labs, computing facilities, and software tools in prompt engineering.

2. Be Familiar and Get Big Data Technology Skills

Be Familiar and Get Big Data Technology Skills

If you want to be a great prompt engineer, knowing about big data technology is vital to handle and understand lots of information quickly. Here’s how you can learn about it:

  • Online courses: You can take classes on the internet. These classes explain how to work with a lot of data.
  • Hackathons: These are events where people code together. Joining hackathons can help you practice using big data tools while working with others.
  • Open-source projects: You can also learn by working on projects shared openly by others. This way, you can learn from them and show your skills to others.
  • Internships: Getting a job where you help with big data can teach you a lot. Even starting at a lower level or doing internships can help you know how to use big data tools in real situations.

Since big data skill sets are essential for this job, learning them sets you apart in the job market. Employers value pros who can handle data effectively and contribute to data-driven decision-making.

3. Learn AI-Language Models

OpenAI GPT-3

As a prompt engineer, you will work with different AI-language models, including RoBERTa, GPT-3, and GPT-4, to make AI models understand things. So, knowing these models well increases your chances of doing great in this job.

You can start by learning how these models work, understand their rules, and what they can do. You can find online lessons if you find self-study too hard.

Don’t forget to practice. Try small projects where you use these models to get better and feel more confident. Otherwise, you can join open projects related to these models.

4. Learn Data Structures and Algorithms

Since this job requires you to work with data, the next step is to learn the concepts of data and its structures and algorithms. They are the backbone of Computer Science. So they help you handle and process data effectively.

First, you need to get comfortable with the ways data is organized, including:

  • Linked lists
  • Trees
  • Arrays

Then, you need to learn how to use algorithms to sort and search through data.

Like other skills, you can take courses online to learn these concepts. These courses explain things step by step. So you won’t need to grapple with overwhelming knowledge online.

Besides, some books simply explain this knowledge. They can be a great resource to learn from. To practice, I recommend participating in coding challenges on LeetCode or HackerRank. They offer tons of challenges.

Practice Working With Data Algorithms

5. Attend Conferences and Online Communities

I often attend conferences and online communities to stay updated with the latest information in this field. When joining conferences where experts talk about prompt engineering, you can meet smart people and discuss with them.

Regarding online communities, there are groups and forums on social media where people talk about prompt engineering.

You can join these online places to share ideas and ask questions. When chatting with experts there, you learn things you might not find in books.

6. Build a Strong Network

A powerful strategy for your prompt engineer career journey is building a strong network. This way, you have a supporter group to grow.

You tap into experts’ wisdom when you connect with them. So, your network brings you new chances and lets you learn from the best.

To build a strong network, my tip is to be part of prompt engineering communities and events. Besides keeping me updated, these events and communities have helped me make friends with famous experts in the field.

Also, joining one or a few expert organizations is a way to build a strong network. These often focus on a specific area of expertise and help members share knowledge and collaborate.

7. Gain Experience

Gain Experience

Practical experience can come from collaborating with others or working on your personal projects.

You can start by joining real projects that involve prompt engineering. You can work with developers, data scientists, or AI experts on initiatives requiring crafting prompts for AI models.

Working on personal projects is also a great option. You can:

  • Make chatbots
  • Try content generation
  • Experiment with AI models

Besides, consider doing internships or working as an apprentice at companies that deal with AI and NLP. This option lets you learn while actually working on projects. It’s like getting trained on the field.

You can also participate in competitions or hackathons related to AI and NLP. These are like challenges that help you learn quickly and come up with creative solutions.

8. Build a Portfolio

Now, you have a few quality projects under your belt. The next step is to create a portfolio to show employers your skills.

I recommend stand-out projects that demonstrate your strengths. In terms of organizing, it should be neat and cover the most essential details.

You can then use it to apply for prompt engineer positions you find on job boards. You can also post it on online platforms to reach more employers.

Employers interested in the skills you showcase in your portfolio will contact you and usually arrange an interview afterward. Prepare well and perform well in that interview!

Prepare For Interview After Having A Portfolio

Job Requirements

Being a prompt engineer comes with specific job requirements. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Writing clear prompts: You should be able to write short and clear prompts that help test and improve AI-generated text. Being precise is vital.
  • Working with data and teams: Handling lots of data is part of the job. You’ll work with different teams, like data analysts and designers. So, you need to know how to collaborate well with others.
  • Checking and improving: You’ll keep an eye on how well your prompts are working and fix any confusion or mistakes in the prompts so that AI gives better results.
  • Learning and adapting: The tech world changes fast. As a prompt engineer, you need to keep learning about new things happening in technology to stay good at your job.

Typically, a prompt engineer position requires you to be able to do the above. Thus, focus on practicing these skills to get this job!

Qualifications To Be A Prompt Engineer

Becoming a skilled prompt engineer requires specific qualifications to ensure you’re well-prepared for the role:

  • Computer science degree: A Bachelor’s degree in CS is a good start. It teaches you important things about programming and computers that you’ll need for the job.
  • A degree in related fields with an AI focus: Degrees in similar subjects with a focus on AI can be helpful, too. They teach you about AI technologies, which make you even better at the job.
  • Knowing AI models: You need to really understand different AI models (what they’re good at, where they struggle, and how they work). This knowledge helps you create the right prompts for them.

Tools Can Boost You To Success In Prompt Engineering

The success of a prompt engineer depends heavily on the ability to use tools specific to the job. Here are some essential tools you can leverage:

  • GPTtools: These are like superchargers for your work to adjust settings for outputs.
  • OpenAI Playground: It is a versatile toolkit for evaluating performance, analyzing experiments, and predicting language outcomes.
  • PromptBase: This tool is your guide to creating effective prompts. It helps you make prompts work with different models.
  • GitHub: Consider this as your central hub for collaboration. It helps manage code, coordinates projects, and tracks issues.
GitHub Is A Central For Collaboration

Where Do Prompt Engineers Work?

Prompt engineers work in a variety of settings that embrace AI, NLP, and technology:

  • You can find them in tech companies specializing in AI research and development, like OpenAI.
  • Software companies integrating AI into their products also employ them.
  • Businesses focusing on chatbots, virtual assistants, and content generation seek their expertise.
  • They may also find roles in research institutions, consulting firms, and as freelancers. The remote work culture prevalent in tech allows them to contribute from anywhere.

Their skill set is adaptable, positioning them in industries where human-AI interaction and language generation are paramount.


On average, prompt engineers’ annual pay falls between $175,000 and $335,000 (as reported by Bloomberg). This salary shows that this profession is highly appreciated.

Yet, experience, location, company size, and industry can influence where an individual falls within this salary spectrum.

I believe the demand for skilled engineers is increasing as AI and NLP keep shaping industries. So, the salary in this industry may become even more attractive in the future!


Many tech companies are looking for skilled prompt engineers to help them train and develop their AI models. And my guide on how to become a prompt engineer above has helped you know how to start this career.

I firmly believe that if you keep developing and honing your professional skills, you will advance well in this industry. Good luck!