10 Pros and Cons of Being a Back-End Developer

Backend developers are the heroes behind your seamless website experience. Do you want to take this role? If yes, welcome to my post, where you can discover the advantages and disadvantages of being a backend dev.

I know you must feel confused when taking your first step on this career journey. So, in this guide, I will share my experience as a backend developer for years. Then, you can tell what your future job can offer!

Who Is a Backend Developer?

A backend developer is an IT expert who builds and maintains the underlying systems for a website to perform actions and process data. They are also in charge of the website’s security, data storage, and other server-side aspects.

As a backend developer, I ensure the website can perform correctly. To achieve this goal, I work on these tasks:

  • Website development: I develop prototypes using suitable languages and frameworks. Then, I convert them into real websites.
  • QA testing: After that, I test the websites to optimize their UX and UI. I also assess their performance. If needed, I will adjust the code to improve their scalability. And if there are any errors, I inform the QA team, project managers, and stakeholders. We find the best way to fix those problems.
  • Training: I also train clients on using the web apps and help junior developers with their tasks.
A backend developer

There are many pros and cons of being a backend developer. Right here, I will show you what I have experienced after working in this role for a long time.

Up till now, I’ve benefited a lot from this stable and exciting job. The high salary and flexibility are other lucrative perks.

1. High Demand

Backend development is an essential part of software projects. It determines how well the apps and websites can function. Thus, as long as companies want to build a robust system, they need backend developers.

Thanks to the high demand, backend developers now have many opportunities. If you decide to follow this path, you will have a sense of job security.

2. Analytical and Logical Thinking

As a backend developer, I work with complex systems every day. Data processing is another crucial aspect to care for. All these tasks require good analytical and logical thinking.

Interestingly, those skills are what I’m confident about. So, I have many chances to show off my talent and satisfy my curiosity when working in this position.

3. High Salary

If salary is your top priority, your future career as a backend developer will meet this demand. On average, backend developers can earn up to $128,680 per year (in 2024). As your skills develop over time, your salary will go up.

This job is well-paid

4. Stable Job Growth

Aside from the high salary, you can benefit from this job stability. Since it’s in high demand, companies seek top talent to help with their online presence.

The key to joining this dynamic industry is to keep learning and honing your skills. Then, you can enjoy stable job growth.

5. Less Client Interaction

Don’t want to work a lot with clients? As a backend developer, you only need to focus on designing the backend system.

You may sometimes have to interact with clients to understand their needs and train them using the websites or apps. However, you don’t do it too often. Client meetings can’t interrupt your coding time.

6. Impactful Contribution

You play a vital role in the software development process. More specifically, you are in charge of the performance and security of the web.

Without your secure backend system, the web can’t function properly. This sense of contribution will encourage you to work harder to ensure the best outcome.

You have a flexible schedule

I have shared a lot about my job, but it’s not everything. Aside from the bright sides above, I have had some tough times because of the complex projects and repetitive tasks. Plus, some people don’t recognize my contribution.

7. Limited Visibility

Everyone can see how much front-end developers do because their products appear on the interface. Meanwhile, I just work on the underlying systems as a backend developer.

8. Complexity

And you know what? Those systems are complicated. I have to deal with many frameworks, technologies, and databases every day. These tasks require me to stay updated with the newest techniques.

9. Repetition

Some tasks are repetitive. To be honest, I feel bored sometimes when handling such stuff. However, they are essential for the whole backend system.

Thus, I just try my best to complete them without making any mistakes. Luckily, thanks to the repetition, I have mastered and can finish those tasks quickly.

10. Depending On Other Developers

I like working alone, as the complex codes require much attention. Yet, I can’t decide everything because I must collaborate with front-end developers.

However, this collaboration offers benefits, too. Together, we can build the best systems for our company and clients. I can also learn from my colleagues a lot.

You will also have hard times

Should You Become a Backend Developer?

Well, it depends on you. To answer this question, you have to ask yourself more. For example:

  • Do you love software development, especially the backend system?
  • Are you good at problem-solving?
  • Do you like working with data and cache technologies?
  • Is the continuous learning path OK for you?
  • Can you manage your time effectively?

If the answers are all “yes,” then you should become a backend developer. And once you’ve decided on your goal, stick to it and work hard to become a real expert in the field!

Final Thoughts

Being a backend developer means you have stable job growth, a high salary, and an impactful contribution to your company’s digital presence. However, along the way, you will face tons of challenges. For example, you have to depend on other developers and deal with complex tasks.

But don’t worry! Every job has pros and cons. So, once you’ve chosen your career path, focus on the pros and improve your skills to overcome the cons. Good luck with your choice!