9 Pros and Cons of Being an IT Operations Analyst

I’m an IT operations analyst. Working with the IT systems is fun, but they stress me out sometimes. If you want to try this role, here is my advice: read this post first!

Right here, I will share my actual experience of working in this position. So, let’s follow my lead and learn every part of it! Then, you can tell if pursuing this career path is a good idea.

Who is an IT Operations Analyst?

An IT operations analyst is a technical expert who assists the company in maintaining, upgrading, and fixing the IT systems. This responsibility involves many tasks, such as:

  • Analysis: The IT operations analyst analyzes how the LAN (Local Area Network) works.
  • Security: They access the information security protocols. They also back up and preserve important data.
  • Assistance: If anyone in the company needs help with the IT systems, the IT operations analyst will give them a hand. For example, they can help new users get familiar with the company network and respond to their requests.
  • Improvement: They also work with other engineers to improve the efficiency of their digital systems.
  • Research: New technologies come out every day. The analyst, therefore, helps the company employ those advancements in their systems.

There are many tasks to cover, right? Hence, the IT operations analyst often has experience in entry-level positions before moving to this role. They should also be proficient in IT systems.

The IT operations analyst often works in a big company with massive IT systems. They collaborate with supervisors to choose the best hardware and software for those large-scale companies.

An IT operations analyst

This job has brought me a lot of exciting benefits. But I still have tough times even after years of working in the industry.

So, if you intend to follow this career path, let’s check the pros and cons of being an IT operations analyst as follows.

This stable job offers me good pay. I also have many job opportunities with my technical skills.

1. Stable Job

The need for IT operations analysts is rising. IT is now an essential part of modern business operations. So, if you enter this field, your skills will be in high demand.

Moreover, companies rely on technology to grow. This trend contributes to long-term job stability. You can also thrive in your career with your sharp skills.

2. Good Pay

Aside from stability, the good pay is a huge benefit of working as an IT operations analyst. In 2023, these experts can earn around $76,720 per year.

You can receive a competitive salary that aligns with your skills. And as you gain experience, it will increase with time.

Moreover, many companies offer benefits, bonuses, and additional perks, such as health insurance, performance-based bonuses, and requirement plans.

Good income with stability

3. Indoor Settings

I love working indoors because this setting gives me comfort and protection from outdoor weather conditions. I can also use modern technology in my company to bring out the best of my work.

So, if you are looking for a safe job with no physical risks, consider this option! Your company may also offer break rooms and rest areas, making your work experience super comfortable!

4. Various Job Positions

You can try other roles once you’ve got the needed skills for the IT operations analyst position. For example, you can become an independent consultant or freelancer. These two career paths allow you to be the boss of your own, which means no strict rules and a fixed schedule.

Think about leadership roles, too. With your expertise and experience, you can become an IT manager or director.

5. Numerous Specializations

IT systems involve various concepts, such as network security or data management. Hence, you can dig into different specializations when you work in this role.

This versatility is a big plus for switching to another job. Since you already master the skills, you just need a little time to become familiar with the new environment.

6. Result-Oriented

If you are result-oriented, you will love working in this role. Your job as an IT operations analyst is about meeting specific goals, and they are all tangible outcomes.

Do you know what is the best thing? It’s when you discover a new technique that can improve your work to the next level. You need a lot of time for it, but the result will be rewarding!

You have tangible results

The benefits are numerous, but you also have many challenges when entering the field. Let me show you how to overcome them!

7. Long Working Hours

The IT systems always run. It means you have to monitor them constantly. And if there are many problems with them, you must solve them quickly. Hence, be ready to work long hours.

Luckily, many tools can help you cover the tasks. You can try various options and find the best one for your company.

8. High Pressure

You are in charge of the IT systems of your company. This duty comes with heavy pressure, as it affects the company’s business operations.

However, it also means that you play a vital role. So, learn how to work under pressure. It would be best to pay attention to detail. Then, you can avoid mishaps.

9. Constant Updates

Technology constantly changes, asking you to keep updating new tools and techniques. Interestingly, the challenge encourages you to explore new things. If you love technology, you will indeed have a great time working with continuous updates.

You have to update new things constantly

Should You Become an IT Operations Analyst?

I have talked about the pros and cons of being an IT operations analyst above. You can consider them before making a decision.

  • Pros: You will have tons of benefits regarding job chances, salary, and a safe working environment. What you have to do now is to study hard and hone your skills. Then, you can enjoy all the lucrative perks.
  • Cons: Be ready for the challenges ahead, too. You have to work under pressure and constantly update techniques for your job.

Final Thoughts

As an IT operations analyst, you can receive good pay. Your skills for the job also help you with other technical roles. The safe working environment is a plus.

On the other hand, there is a lot of pressure. Thus, you must update new tools continuously and sometimes work long hours.

The choice is yours. So, consider all the factors, and you can settle on the ideal career path! Thank you for reading!