7 Pros and Cons of Being a Network Security Admin

Nowadays, almost every company needs secure networks to work properly. As a result, network security administrator is one of the most vital roles today. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of being a network security administrator?

I’ll help you answer this question by diving into the benefits and drawbacks of working in this role. Let’s check right now!


A network security administrator keeps a company’s computer network safe from hackers and other cyber threats. These admins make sure that important data stays private and that the network works properly by doing these tasks:

  • Manage user access and permissions.
  • Set up firewalls to block unauthorized people from getting into the company’s network.
  • Use IDS and IPS to watch for any strange activity that might be a cyber attack.
  • Look for any weak points in the network’s defenses and fix them to prevent bad guys from getting in.
  • Keep all the network devices and software up-to-date with the latest security updates to keep hackers out.
Network Security

Now let’s consider the pros and cons of working as a network security admin to see if this job interests you!

I believe this role’s attractive income and opportunities will make you want to pursue it immediately. Let’s find out the benefits of this job.

1. Competitive Earnings

As a network security admin, you can earn a good salary, between $67,570 and $110,700 per year.

Your basic pay is usually between $75,000 and $115,000 yearly. Sometimes, you might get extra money, like bonuses, around $5,000 to $9,000/year.

You can even make more money if you work in a big city or field with a high demand for network security experts and special certifications.

2. Jobs in Various Fields

You can find jobs in different fields if you’re a network security admin. Here are some options:

  • IT
  • Banking and Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Government and Defense
  • E-commerce
  • Energy and Utilities
  • Education

All of these fields have information and data that need to be protected. So, you can get a stable job with a high salary with any of these options.

3. Opportunities for Continuous Learning & Skill Development

This career gives you many chances to keep learning and improving your skills because cyber criminals always have new ways to attack computer systems.

You’ll work with various security tools and techs like firewalls and antivirus tools. These are evolving, so you’ll need to learn how to use the latest versions.

Besides technical skills, you have many chances to develop soft skills, such as communication and problem-solving, as you need to explain complex security issues to others and make decisions about how to keep the company safe.

A Network Security Admin And His Colleagues

4. Opportunities for Higher Roles

As you get more experience in this role, you can move up to fancier titles like senior network security analyst or CISO. These jobs let you lead and make big decisions about security for a whole company.

Otherwise, you can switch to being a network architect to help set up computer networks. Or you could work in incident response or security consulting. There are lots of options!

As you can see, getting this career is a way to step into a field with many chances to move up and do different things.

Long And Irregular Work Hours

Let’s talk about three significant cons of this job: long and irregular work hours, certification pressure, and the requirement to stay updated in the field!

5. Long and Irregular Work Hours

One big downside of this job is the need to work long hours, often at odd times. This field doesn’t stick to a regular office schedule. Instead, I must be ready all day and night because cyber threats can strike at any time.

The irregular hours can also lead to burnout for those new to the job. You might feel tired and stressed out. So, be ready for a busy work schedule when pursuing this career!

6. Certification Pressure

Another challenge is the pressure to get and maintain certifications. Certifications show that you know your job and are up-to-date with the latest in the field. But getting them and keeping them are really tough.

First, there’s the stress of studying for certification exams. These exams are challenging, and failing can be a real downer. Plus, they cost money, which adds financial stress.

Even when you have certifications, you have to keep them current. It’s like a never-ending cycle of tests and stress.

7. Pressure To Stay Updated

Staying updated means you keep learning new inventions, joining training sessions and workshops, and watching out for new threats. It can feel like a never-ending race to keep up. Falling behind on this can lead to security breaches that harm the company’s reputation.

A Network Security Workshop

Is Being a Network Security Admin a Wise Choice?

In fact, you need to have the following qualities to work in this position:

  • You’re into tech or cyber security.
  • You enjoy solving complex problems.
  • You like learning new things.
  • You are a flexible person.
  • You pay attention to details.

If you possess all of these qualities, congratulations! The career of a network security admin is right for you. But if you don’t meet these criteria, consider another career option that suits you better.

Wrap Up

I’ve explored the pros and cons of being a network security admin. On the positive side, this job lets you protect networks, pays well, and provides job security. Plus, it’s a field where you can climb the career ladder.

But, on the not-so-great side, the job can be tough with long hours and the need to get certifications. It can mess up your work-life balance and create stress.

Please tell me your thoughts on this job in the comments section below!