How to Become a Computer Trainer

I’m good at computers, but studying and working in this major is not enough for me. And I want to share my tech knowledge with everyone. That’s why I choose to work as a computer trainer.

If you have the same thought, then you may wonder how to become a computer trainer. It’s really challenging, and I’ve been there! Let me share my journey!

Who Is A Computer Trainer?

A computer trainer helps people understand and use computers. They teach everything about computer parts and programs. After joining their classes, students can work with those systems correctly.

Working as a computer trainer is not easy. They have to use simple words to explain how complicated computers work. Their ultimate goal is to ensure their students can understand the lessons.

Computer trainers often work in schools, colleges, universities, or companies. They also train company employees about the systems that their companies use.

Computer training session

What Does A Computer Trainer Do?

I’m a computer trainer. This job keeps me busy all day because of the numerous tasks. Here are some of my primary duties and responsibilities:

  • Lesson planning: I carefully design lessons for each class. To help my students, I try to break down complex topics into simple parts. I also think about the right order to teach things.
  • Student management: There are many students in my class. Thus, I have to pay attention to each. Some may have trouble, and I’m the one who gives them extra help.
  • Effective learning environment: I also spend time setting up the classroom. Then, my students can learn well. Teaching materials are also crucial for the setup.
  • Testing: Throughout the course, I have to check how much my students have learned. So, I give them tests and assignments. Sometimes, they execute some projects to put their lesson into practice.
  • Collaboration: I work with other trainers and school staff. Thus, I attend meetings regularly. During the discussion, we try to improve teaching methods for the best results.
  • Computer maintenance: As a computer trainer, I also ensure that the software is up to date. If needed, I install new programs that my students need to learn.

How to Become a Computer Trainer

If you want to become a computer trainer like me, equip yourself with knowledge and skills. It will be tough, but don’t worry! Follow these steps below.

1. Earn a degree

First, you need to go to college and learn about computers. There are many things to study there. For example, you can focus on computer science, networking, or software engineering.

Some positions may let you start with an associate’s degree or lower education level. However, it’s better to get a bachelor’s degree to stand out.

During your learning process, try to expand your knowledge. This way, you can be a good trainer your students can rely on.

2. Gain experience

This step is about learning by doing. Before becoming a computer trainer, you need to get some practice. But how can you earn experience?

You can consider volunteering activities. It means you offer your time and skills to help others without getting paid. Yet, the experience you get from volunteering is much more valuable.

You can volunteer at schools or community centers. They need computer trainers and tutors to help students with their computer stuff.

On the other hand, if you want to get paid, become a tutor. You can help someone understand a computer topic when working in this position. It’s like how you train others about computers in the future.

Workshops are also excellent ideas. They are short classes where people come to learn specific things. So, you can lead a computer-related workshop about graphics or networks. Then, be ready to shine!

Try to earn experience

3. Earn a master’s degree

If you already have your bachelor’s degree, consider upgrading your level by getting a master’s degree. There are many advantages then.

For example, having this degree helps you look good when competing with others. Even when many people apply for the computer trainer position, you will impress the employers the most.

Moreover, you can learn more about computers. There are also many training skills to develop during the course. Once you get all of them, you will be an expert in the area.

Last but not least, the master’s degree increases your salary range. Thus, you can get paid more for being a good computer trainer.

4. Expand your network

You can make a lot of new friends when studying. Your social relationship will be much broader if you join clubs and volunteer activities. Interestingly, most of your friends have the same interests. Thus, you can call it a “professional network.”

Meeting new people is helpful for many purposes. For example, you can learn a lot from them. You can also carry out the same projects at school. Plus, they can help you find a good job. They may know some job openings that suit you well.

5. Obtain licenses and certifications

A teaching license and certification show that you are really good at creating lessons. Some computer trainers don’t need them. Yet, employers want to see them because they can judge the ability of their applicants.

Many technology companies give out computer-related certificates to learners. If you want to teach people about specific things, try to get those certificates.

But do not focus only on computers. You are the trainer, so teaching skills are equally important. For example, if you want to teach computers in public schools, you need teaching licenses.

Obtain certificates and licenses

6. Prepare your CV

The CV is a paper that talks about your cool things. When you apply for a computer trainer position, the employers will look at your CV first. Based on that, they can determine if you are the right person. Thus, prepare your CV carefully.

You need to include important details in your CV. Aside from contact information, you must write your education, experience, and skills.

Achievements are a crucial part of your CV. They can be your awards in any competition. Although the award is only a short line in the CV, it will help you stand out.

Besides, keep your CV organized. Use precise words, too. These tips show that you are good at written communication, which is important for a computer trainer.

7. Find a teaching job

Now, you must be confident with your computer and teaching experience. It’s time to find a job. You can check online or ask your friends if they know of any computer training jobs. Then, apply for the opening position.

Remember to check the job description carefully. They tell you what you need to do in that position. After that, you can prepare a CV and cover letter that fits the description.

My last piece of advice for your job hunt is to be patient. Sometimes, it takes a lot of time to find the right job. So don’t get discouraged!

Skills Needed For A Computer Trainer

Working as a computer trainer requires many skills. The most important ones include the following:

Hard skills

  • Technological skill: A computer trainer must be good with computers and software. For example, you should know how to use Microsoft tools and understand the technical stuff.
  • Data analysis: You also need to gather information and analyze it. Then, you will figure out patterns within the database.
  • Computer skills: They are about running computers well. You should be able to handle different computer programs, too.
  • Management: Managing a group of people is essential. Thus, you need management skills to cover your class.

Soft skills

  • Leadership: A computer trainer is a leader in the class. This skill helps you ensure things can run smoothly.
  • Communication: You will talk and listen actively in class. You also need communication skills to explain everything clearly. Remember, your goal is to help your students understand the technical concepts.
  • Time management: You may have many classes to handle. So prepare to plan your lessons and manage your time well.
  • Problem-solving: Issues can come up at any time. As a computer trainer, you need to find solutions quickly.
  • Analytical thinking: A fast brain helps you understand complex concepts. You can also adapt to different situations quickly.
Develop both hard and soft skills

Essential Tools for a Computer Trainer

Your journey will be hard. Even if you are a computer trainer, many challenges can still be overcome. So keep learning to upgrade your skills day by day. The best tools to consider for your learning path are:

  • MindFlash: If you are looking for a mobile-friendly design, MindFlash must be a good choice. It provides queries and evaluations that help you get better at your role.
  • Absorb LMS: This tool has many useful features. For example, you can use smart administration, AI, and report materials for your lessons.
  • ProProfs Training Maker: There are many courses here. What’s more, this tool only costs $1 per month.
  • Docebo: If you want to learn at your own pace and get certificates, try Docebo. You can also take courses and study with games.

Benefits and Challenges of Being a Computer Trainer

I love my job. However, you may not have the same experience. So before following this career path, consider its pros and cons.


There are many job opportunities. You can also get a high salary when working in this position. The flexible time is another plus.

Job opportunities

Many people want to learn important computer skills. Moreover, businesses need experts to train their employees. It means you can find jobs in schools and companies.

There’s more! Technology is always changing. Thus, people keep learning to handle it. And the computer trainer leads this way!

Good income

As of 2023, a computer trainer in the US can earn around $81,975 per year. This salary range gives you a stable financial situation. And as you organize courses for your students, you will build valuable connections within your community.


As a computer trainer, you have flexible working hours. You can also work from an office, at home, or in other locations.


Aside from the benefits above, you have challenges to encounter. For example:


This role requires patience and many skills. More importantly, teaching will be more challenging when you deal with students who struggle to understand the lessons.

Continuous learning

You need to stay up-to-date with the latest technological trends. It’s the only way to keep up with the advancements. Then, you can provide your students with new techniques.


1. How can I teach at elementary or secondary schools?

To teach this age group, you need a degree in computer science and a teaching license. If you don’t have the license, don’t worry! You can still teach at private schools.

2. How can I teach at the college level?

Teaching at colleges is difficult. You need to get a Ph.D. in computer science. During the course, you can learn advanced computer science concepts.

You may also have to pass a test about your research area before starting your big project in a specific field. And finally, write your research results.

3. Which degree is best for a computer teacher?

To become a computer teacher or trainer, you need a bachelor’s or master’s degree in IT and computer science. In these programs, you can study the basic concepts of computers. Then, you will have the needed skills and qualifications for the job.


Becoming a computer trainer is a difficult yet rewarding path! You can easily find a job and receive a high salary. This job allows you to inspire the next generation.

As you start, remember the importance of continuous learning. Then, you can feel the joy when your students become proficient in computers.

Thank you for reading!